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Psst, Amy, It’s Time To Get To Work
Right now, in my fantasy world, Joe Biden would be telling Senator Any Klobuchar that in 2016, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, captured 22,000+ votes in six counties that were won by Hilary Clinton! Here they are: Dakota (2,678), Hennepin (10,310), Olmstead (1,117), Ramsey (4,560), St. Louis (1,878) and Washington (1,478).
But, my fantasies extend a little further. I’m wishing that Joe Biden were a bit more like Lyndon Johnson. If Johnson were the candidate today, it would be a one way conversation.
Lyndon Johnson: “I want those votes, Amy, and if you can’t deliver them, then what good are you to the Democratic ticket. It’s not complicated. Jill Stein voters should be my voters and I want every God-damned one of them. Now, go get them and don’t come back until you do.”
Amy Klobachar: “I’m going to do everything I can.”
Lyndon Johnson: “Every you can? Really. You had a lead of 29% in Minnesota and you quit. You even got 41,000 votes AFTER you dropped out. Well, there’s no quitting now. Your life in the Democratic Party is on the line here. If you can’t deliver Minnesota, forget about running for President. Now, you’ve got 60 days to capture those 20,000 Jill Stein’s voters. I want a cushion in Minnesota. I don’t want you thinking about anything else, or doing anything else. All I want to hear from…