Maga Republicans (who are not true conservatives) take comfort in the wonderfulness of "us" versus the despicableness of "them." I'm the first to admit that there is comfort in the tribal; it offers them focus and relief from a world that seems beyond their ability to control. And they are right: there is no relief coming from the inevitability of AI, the concentration of wealth, the ubiquity of computer-based interactions, and the decline of the personal in our day to day lives. Maga Republicans (white, latino, male and female) yearn to go back in time when their place in the world was comparatively more "fixed" and, for them, more secure and safe (or empowered). The "patriarchy" about which you so often write is part of that yearning. But, in my view -- which tends to be a very long term view -- the Maga Republicans represent a desperate last gasp to hold onto power and social position that is slipping inexorably from their hands. (When all the votes are counted, Harris may yet win the popular vote and, if not, she will have lost by a small fraction.) Maga Republicans, like so many zealots before them, will end up on the ash heap of history: sad, lonely and socially and economically impoverished by leaders who exploited them. In the span of history, it won't take long.