Andrew D Ellis
Nov 11, 2020


I think that we can agree on three points: (1) Trump is a racist; (2) some portion of his supporters either overtly or secretly racist and Trump’s appeal on this issue was compelling; and (3) some portion of his supporters were willing to ignore Trump’s racism (and perhaps their own) because other issues were more important to them.

For some voters, Trump’s racism is an existential threat above all others -- both at the individual and societal level. But, I doubt that the preponderance of Biden voters voted for him because of their thoughts about Trump’s racism. And, I think that this is really Umair’s point: structural racism isn’t important enough to a sufficient number of white voters and change will only occur when it is.

One could easily agree with Umair but let me offer a slightly different view. Change occurs when an active and uncompromising minority demands it. This is the significance of the Black voting block. Without hugely disproportionate Black support, Biden would have lost. Even 70%-30% support among Black voters would not have been enough. If the Black community finishes the job in Georgia, it will be time for the Black community to cash in its chips and change will follow.

